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Sergei Vorniches
Sergei Vorniches
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Do you use Firefox?

I just noticed that today's product of the day, a browser extension, supports some range of web browsers, but not Firefox. Among the browsers worldwide, it's like the top 4 choice, and I'm quite sure that among indie hackers, it's the 1st/2nd browser to use. Am I wrong?..
Sergei Vorniches
Sergei Vorniches
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Sketch is alive; well, that's a news!
Sketch 100
Sketch 100
Better prototypes, a redesigned web app & more
Sergei Vorniches
Sergei Vorniches
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Gives me a Moto L7 flashbacks somehow.
The New iPad Pro
The New iPad Pro
A razor thin iPad Pro with the new M4 chip
Sergei Vorniches
Sergei Vorniches
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Social network idea – only downvotes are allowed as reaction

The fewer downvotes on a post, meaning the more positive the reaction is (I'm not serious, but just imagine).
Sergei Vorniches
Sergei Vorniches
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To be honest, I often find myself missing a 'downvote' button...
Business Marketing with Nika
Is it a good thing to ask for upvotes on Product Hunt? 🔼
Business Marketing with Nika
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Sergei Vorniches
Sergei Vorniches
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What's your SaaS stack?

I've experimented with a lot of stuff from no-code platforms to PHP-monstrosities, and I eventually found myself creating my own SaaS framework based on Django – which I absolutely love, especially the development process, of course. So, I'm curious to hear from other Hunters: Do you prefer to use established and popular solutions, or do you enjoy exploring new stuff on your own?
Sergei Vorniches
Sergei Vorniches
started a discussion

Are Product Hunt Meetups still a thing?

I was looking through popular discussions of the past years, and one caught my eye: I tried to google it but unfortunately what I found is quite outdated: The application form is no longer working,...
Sergei Vorniches
Sergei Vorniches
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What a cute idea! Thanks for this launch, and congrats.
Ugly Duckling
Ugly Duckling
Consistency on đť•Ź made easier
Sergei Vorniches
Sergei Vorniches
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Nah, it's too early to get scared.
Boris Markarian
Are we afraid of Skynet?🦾
Boris Markarian
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