Viktoriia Mnushko

Viktoriia Mnushko

Product Manager
13 points
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Viktoriia Mnushko
PlantIn is a loyal gardening companion providing a personalized experience for everyone interested in planting. Identify 17 000 plants & their diseases, get custom plant care guides, consult the experts, use watering calculator & light meter for your garden.
AI- and ML-based app to make plant care easy.
Viktoriia Mnushko
So, this is Curated list of... curated lists! There are so much different lists with different topics in modern world. We decided to collect them in one place. Contributions are welcome!
For every topic you will see own page with useful information. Just choose the one you need and start to learn smth new!
Curated list of curated lists
Curated list of curated lists
We collect different lists in one place
Viktoriia Mnushko
ntile is a flexible knowledgebase platform for startups, small and medium business. Create with no limits, dominate over digital chaos with adaptive structures, powerful filters either simple or giantic. Build tables and links between them as usual database.
Flexible platform for team knowledge bases