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Jack Behar
Speed up UI design & coding process – build MVPs 8.6x faster than with vectors. Make the most of AI, ready layouts, and fully functional component libraries. When you're done, copy production-ready code off your design! Pixels won't spoil the fun anymore.
UXPin Merge AI
UXPin Merge AI
UI builder for busy devs & designers
Jack Behar
Bring the power of FullStory into UXPin. Automatically record your test participants' interactions as soon as you share a prototype with them. Get users' insights when your product is still in the design stage.
UXPin + FullStory Integration
UXPin + FullStory Integration
Test your prototypes like real products
Jack Behar
Prototype with Microsoft's Fluent UI library in UXPin – use 70+ interactive React components. Design faster and have devs copy the ready code to build the products faster.✨
Fluent UI Library in UXPin
Fluent UI Library in UXPin
🎨 Design with coded & interactive Fluent UI in UXPin
Jack Behar
Use NPM component libraries to accelerate your prototyping with UXPin.
Start designing fully interactive UIs in minutes, not hours. Then devs just copy all they need from the prototype. ✨

No coding skills necessary to start.
UXPin and NPM Integration
UXPin and NPM Integration
Build interactive prototypes that your devs will just love
Jack Behar
Design with MUI library in UXPin – use over 90 interactive React components. Prototype in minutes and have devs just copy the ready code to build the products faster.✨
MUI Library
MUI Library
Design with coded components from MUI 5 library in UXPin