Daniel Palmer

Daniel Palmer

Founding Team @ Relevance AI
86 points
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Daniel Palmer
Never scrape or extract data from a document manually again. Document AI is smart OCR - capable of answering questions, summarising and extracting fields. Available through a dashboard or API.
Document AI by Relevance
Extract structured data from your PDFs using GPT, in bulk
Daniel Palmer
Everyone has documentation - make it better immediately with a GPT-4 or ChatGPT AI assistant ๐Ÿ’ช Ask Relevance connects to your documentation and provides you an API request or embeddable Widget to build the best in-app help centre.
Ask by Relevance AI
From documentation to GPT-4 powered support in 5 minutes
Daniel Palmer
Startcasts is a search engine for startup & product podcasts. Learn from leaders across marketing, development, design and more.
Search engine for great startup & product podcasts
Daniel Palmer
Copybranch helps you write compelling landing page copy, while seamlessly wireframing layout in low fidelity.
The text editor for copywriting artisans
Daniel Palmer
AmongMap.com is a map overlay for Among Us with an HD map of The Skeld, Mira HQ, and Polus. Each maps shows the tasks, vents and more. Download our desktop app for overlay that opens with the press of a hotkey.
Among Us Map Overlay
Among Us Map Overlay
HD map overlay for Among Us.
Daniel Palmer
Morsel makes it easy to find, bookmark and create bite-sized coding guides for the community. Learn new code more quickly, and help others do the same.
Community for learning new code, through bite-sized guides.
Daniel Palmer
Daniel Palmer
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Do you currently have a maker portfolio? If not, keen to hear your reasons why!
Beautiful, auto-generating maker portfolios.
Daniel Palmer
Makerwing allows product makers to easily generate beautiful portfolios. Simply enter your project URLs, and Makerwing does the rest. Pick up more freelance & consulting work.
Beautiful, auto-generating maker portfolios.