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Tyler Gaffney
Know Zenhub? That friendly project management plugin for GitHub? Today, Zenhub is going from plugin to platform with Zenhub Issues — manage and track projects with non-dev teams, clients, and stakeholders without requiring a GitHub license!
Zenhub Issues
Zenhub Issues
Where devs + non-dev teams manage projects together
Tyler Gaffney
With ZenHub’s planning poker, software teams can estimate together in an effortless, flexible, and unbiased way. Product owners and scrum master get more predictable sprints, and developers get to estimate right in GitHub!
Planning Poker for GitHub
Story point estimation in GitHub with ZenHub
Tyler Gaffney
Introducing ZenHub Automated Workflows. Bring workflow automation to GitHub Issues and connect teams in a matter of seconds. Avoid hand-off delays and ensure the status of work is always accurate.
ZenHub Automated Workflows
Simplify work by automating GitHub Issues
Tyler Gaffney
ZenHub Roadmaps is the first and only roadmapping solution that's natively integrated with GitHub. Now stakeholders across the company, from developers to the executive team, can get an accurate and up-to-date view into the progress of key software projects.
ZenHub Roadmaps
The First and Only Product Roadmap Solution Built in GitHub
Tyler Gaffney
Every software team works differently, even when working on the same set of GitHub Issues. Workspaces lets software teams create different workflows using the same Repository. Now every team can work in the way that fits their specific needs, tasks and styles.
ZenHub Workspaces
Create different workflows using the same GitHub repo.
Tyler Gaffney

How to Make Your First Sales Hire teaches B2B founders how to make their first hire for sales. We put this guide together because other resources tended to be overly simplified and not actionable. There are a ton of recruiters and articles out there for scaling a team, but none for making the most critical first sales hire.

How to Make Your First Sales Hire by Entrepid Partners
How to Make Your First Sales Hire by Entrepid Partners
The sales hiring guide for B2B SaaS startups and founders
Tyler Gaffney

How to Sell teaches you just that — how to sell. We put this guide

together because other resources tended to be overly simplified blog

posts or overly complicated sales books. Startup founders don’t have

much time, so we wanted to make our guide tactical and to the point.

It draws on our experience of coaching 25+ Silicon Valley B2B

SaaS startups.

How to Sell by Entrepid Partners
How to Sell by Entrepid Partners
The sales guide for B2B SaaS startups and founders