Christopher Pedersen

Christopher Pedersen

Web & Mobile Developer
9 points
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Christopher Pedersen
Hello internet friends! I built to help me answer the question: Where is all my money going?
Manage Your Personal Finances Like a Boss
Christopher Pedersen

Search both DuckDuckGo and Google at the same time. With BuckBuckMoose you can support everybody's favorite upstart search engine, DuckDuckGo, without fear of missing out on Google.

Search DuckDuckGo Without Fear of Missing Out on Google
Christopher Pedersen
Christopher Pedersen
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This thing is @#$%ing awesome!
Create domain hacks for any word
Christopher Pedersen

The Intrepid Extension automatically saves the webpages you visit on the Wayback Machine while you browse the web. The magic all happens in a non-active browser tab on the left side of Google Chrome. For the best browsing experience, please leave this tab open; there is no need to continually close this tab.

The Internet Archivist's Intrepid Browser Extension
The Internet Archivist's Intrepid Browser Extension
Save Pages on the Wayback Machine While Surfing the Web
Christopher Pedersen

Twitticide is a webapp for sending self-destructing tweets that delete themselves after 24 hours, adding a SnapChat type functionality to the Twitter experience.

Send Self-Destructing Tweets That Delete Themselves
Christopher Pedersen
Christopher Pedersen
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Request: Can you make one for React?
Notes for Programmers
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