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Trevor Owens
Trevor Owens
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Congrats team!
Owl Link
Owl Link
Decentralized bio link, built on Bitcoin
Trevor Owens
Trevor Owens
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This would be amazing for discord!
Serendipity Bot by Threado
Free community and newsletter match making bot
Trevor Owens
Trevor Owens
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This is a life-changing product.
Hiro Wallet for Stacks
Hiro Wallet for Stacks
Access DeFi & Web 3 apps built w/ Stacks in Chrome & Firefox
Trevor Owens
Trevor Owens
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So excited for this!!
Add your favorite cities to your portfolio and earn BTC
Trevor Owens
Trevor Owens
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Let's gooooo! Awesome product, use it every day.
GPT-3 Surveys by BlockSurvey
GPT-3 Surveys by BlockSurvey
Generate questions for surveys in seconds
Trevor Owens
Trevor Owens
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This is amazing.
Lip Gloss
Lip Gloss
Design terminal user interfaces
Trevor Owens
We invest $50k in outstanding startup teams building on the Bitcoin network with Stacks (formerly Blockstack). Speakers & Mentors include Eric Ries, Meltem Demirors, Thomas France, Sergey Nazarov, +more. We accept startups at any stage and help you level up.
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
$50k Investment + 3 Month Program for Web 3.0 Startups
Trevor Owens
In today's world of simple designs, choosing the right colors matters more than ever. Paletter offers flexible controls that will help you find all the colors and variants you could ever need.
Create Professional Color Palettes from a Single Color
Trevor Owens
Trevor Owens
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Congrats on the launch of 2.0!
BlockSurvey 2.0
BlockSurvey 2.0
Secure forms & surveys, powered by Stacks blockchain
Trevor Owens
Say goodbye to alt-tabbing for scattered resources and "productivity" tools TODAY. Typed⏎ is your one-and-only document workspace that streamlines research, drafting, communication and knowledge management. If Google Drives you crazy, get Typed⏎ now.
Typed⏎ Beta
Google Docs on steroids