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Tom Nims
Make Shopping Matter
Tom Nims
Tom Nims
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Love the results we got on our pre-launched site! Super helpful!
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Tom Nims
Tom Nims
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much if not exactly like a marriage!
The Startup Chat - 67: Co-Founder Relationships
The Startup Chat - 67: Co-Founder Relationships
The ups & downs of cofounder relationships
Tom Nims
Tom Nims
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Wish I heard this a year ago!
The Design Review Podcast - The Power of Saying NO!
The Design Review Podcast - The Power of Saying NO!
Defining priorities for good design and saying no!
Tom Nims
The Freelancer - Saying no to potential clients
The Freelancer - Saying no to potential clients
How and when to say no to potential clients and how to find…
Tom Nims
Angel Insights - Learn how to invest like an angel
Angel Insights - Learn how to invest like an angel
Is Operator Experience Necessary for Angels To Have with Bj…
Tom Nims
Product Hunt Maker Stories - Jane McGonigal
Product Hunt Maker Stories - Jane McGonigal
Playing games to improve health and relationships