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Tianzhou Chen
A web-based collaboration workspace for developers and DBAs to manage the database development lifecycle. Support MySQL, PostgreSQL, Snowflake, Mongo, Redis, Oracle, SQL Server, TiDB, OceanBase, Redshift, and Google Spanner.
Bytebase 2.0
Database schema change and version control for developers
Tianzhou Chen
SQL Chat is a chat-based SQL client for you to ask database questions and query databases using natural language.
SQL Chat
ChatGPT powered SQL client for Postgres, MySQL & SQL Server
Tianzhou Chen
Bytebase already provides a GUI for you to manage databases, but if you have tens or hundreds of database instances for different environments, the Terraform provider will definitely save you time and effort.
Terraform Bytebase Provider
Manage your Bytebase resources through Terraform.
Tianzhou Chen
The No.1 GitHub star history on the web.
Star History
Star History
The missing GitHub star history graph