Terry Djony

Terry Djony

Builder | YC W21 Alum | Indonesia
1 point


I'm a self-taught software engineer turned into a tech startup founder. From Indonesia. - Self-taught myself software engineering at age 14 - Started a chatbot business at third year of college - at final year of college, I got admitted to YC W21 with a chatbot company I founded called "Chatbiz" as the only Indonesian in that batch, at 21 years old, serving companies in various industries. Launched a WhatsApp storefront SaaS for Indonesian Whatsapp-based business in 2023, but failed to survive so it got acquired.In 2024, launched AI-powered automation for customer service quality assessment serving fintech enterprises. I also love to build small products on my spare time as well and launch it on ProductHunt!



Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • Recordscript for Windows
    Recordscript for Windows
    Record with Subtitle. Free, Offline & Open-Source.
    Aug 2024
  • AI Placeholder
    AI Placeholder
    AI-Powered Fake Data REST API. Inspired by JSON Placeholder,
    May 2023
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntJuly 9th, 2021