Sumit Singh

Sumit Singh

Dedicated to Science...Data Science
17 points
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Sumit Singh
LabelGPT is allowing users to upload any image and find objects in it automatically. It is a generative AI powered tool that helps data scientist to get labeled images for their model training at unprecedented speed with supreme ease.
Supercharge vision model training with auto object detection
Sumit Singh
Aquaplot is a platform of webapp and APIs to connect maritime in multiple ways- Basically it provide
Routing, Voyage Estimation, Vessel Tracking, AIS, Weather Routing, Supply Chain, Logistics, Oil, and Bunkering
Aquaplot Explorer - Webapp and API
Aquaplot Explorer - Webapp and API
ConnectingMaritime-Routing engine with superhuman capability
Sumit Singh
A cloud based enterprise collaboration tool where multiple workers at different
location can Label data at scale via
- Auto/synthetic labeling
- Reviewing labeled data with low confidence score only
Get labeled data at scale, quick!