Yossi Peretz, CEO of Stox

Yossi Peretz, CEO of Stox

Stox Blockchain Prediction Markets
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Yossi Peretz, CEO of Stox

Stox is ready for Europa League action!

Test out our platform today with 50 STX tokens, all risk-free. Get ready for the excitement of the World Cup coming in June, with lots of real token prize predictions! Learn more at www.app.stox.com/predictions/markets.

Our platform has lots of great prediction questions waiting for your prediction.

Predict the Outcome of Events to Win Crypto Currencies
Yossi Peretz, CEO of Stox

Stox is an opens source, Ethereum based prediction market platform, where users can make their predictions to generate their portion of a stake for a specified event. Using the 'wisdom of the crowd' combined with their own skills and knowledge, people will be able to predict the outcome of events in almost any imaginable category!

Make predictions & earn cryptocurrency tokens!