Steve Dean

Steve Dean

dating industry wayfinder
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Steve Dean
mobile dating/gaming community on iOS and android featuring an avatar-based free-wander metaverse with interactive games, live audio chat, and comprehensive card-based dating profiles.
a real-time virtual world for dating and making new friends
Steve Dean
Think speed-dating but slower, and partly silent. Grounded in mindful awareness, and rooted in the shared intention to connect. We can check our self presentations at the door and offer our presence to others. Just a bunch of humans— being themselves, together
A platform for virtual, conscious dating
Steve Dean
Bounce is for people who actually want to meet people. A place for the bold and spontaneous, on Bounce there’s no texting, no ghosting, no serial matching: just match + meet that same night. No BS: just real, old-fashioned dating.
Bounce | Real Dating
Bounce | Real Dating
Meet Your Match Tonight
Steve Dean
instant, personalized, recruiter-free career matchmaking