Sergey Voynov

Sergey Voynov

CEO & Founder of G-71 Inc.
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Sergey Voynov
Use LeaksID Data Room for comprehensive preparation of documents before due diligence. Share confidential documents with 3rd parties in a controlled way. Manage access to protected files, sort them into folders and workspaces.
LeaksID Data Room
Make your due diligence process with VCs and partners secure
Sergey Voynov
If you want to share sensitive documents that no one would dare to re-share, use LeaksID 2.0. It personalizes them so that if even a screenshot appears anywhere, you’ll be able to stop the leak.
LeaksID 2.0 for Trade Secrets
LeaksID 2.0 for Trade Secrets
Securely share your pitches, reports & intellectual property
Sergey Voynov
Do you want to sell your product to corporations? Use ICANSELL to create an ideal sales kit & connect with salespersons all over the world without hiring. Pay them only a commission for closed deals.
Create a sales kit, find salespeople, pay only for the deal
Sergey Voynov
Sergey Voynov
started a discussion

Has anyone worked with an external salesperson on a commission basis without monthly fees?

Let's imagine a successful salesperson who has a job and customers to whom he sells other products. Can he agree to offer a startup product to his customers (of course, provided that it is relevant to the industry and the area of responsibility) for a commission on sales? Have you met this?
Sergey Voynov
Sergey Voynov
started a discussion

Where do you keep your sales kit for salespeople?

Any cloud storage (Google Drive or Dropbox, for example) is not very convenient, there are many different files and unstructured descriptions, and so on. What did you choose instead?
Sergey Voynov
Sergey Voynov
started a discussion

How long does a Product Hunt launch result last?

We launched today. User registration is in progress. How long did it last for you?
Sergey Voynov
LeaksID adds dynamic hidden anti-leak marks on all your documents and converts them to PDF. View protected documents, share them, download and print. Find the leaker in case of illegal publication.
Enrich private docs with dynamic invisible anti-leak marks
Sergey Voynov
Sergey Voynov
started a discussion

Are early startups at risk that someone will make their confidential information public?

Hi, Let me ask the early startups how interested you are in protecting your documents from leaks (contracts, agreements, IP, etc.). Obviously, for large corporations, the answer to the question is yes. But for growing companies - it is very curious to find out.
Sergey Voynov
Sergey Voynov
left a comment
What an interesting idea! Congratulations on the launch!
Create a free form & Get data in WhatsApp 🤩
Sergey Voynov
Sergey Voynov
left a comment
Hi Emna, Nice to see you here! Congratulations on the launch! Good luck!
Veamly Lite
Personalized wellbeing analytics to rock hybrid work
Sergey Voynov
Sergey Voynov
left a comment
Congratulations! Interesting idea!
The easiest way to share the music you love
Sergey Voynov
Sergey Voynov
started a discussion

If you created the method for the invisible mark documents. Which way of using it would you choose?

The technology for the invisible marking of documents (printed or electronic) can determine from the photo whose document (or who is the recipient). The dilemma is to create a system of protection against leaks or protection against fake documents. Different markets, different karma...