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Paul Sapnik
Paul Sapnik
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- DoesQA: Drag-n-drop based Automation Testing;
flo merian
What were some of the best developer tools launched in 2023?
Paul Sapnik
Paul Sapnik
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Does your Product have Automation Tests? (3min questionnaire)

1) Do you have Automation Tests? [Y / N] 2) Are your tests coded or codeless? [Code / Codeless] 3) Would you be willing to try Codeless Test Automation? [Y / N] 4) Please share details about your automation tests, or if you don't have any, why don't you? There's a virtual cookie for each question answered 🍪 Thank you, Sappo, co-creator of DoesQA (
Paul Sapnik
Paul Sapnik
started a discussion

What’s in your rapid development stack? 🔥 🚀

For rapid development, I use the SOND stack: • Strapi - Headless CMS • 
Outseta - SaaS all-in-one membership software • NextJS - React Framework • DoesQA - Codeless Test Automation which can keep pace (If you want to know more, you can here ->...
Paul Sapnik
DoesQA offers the power of traditional automation testing with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Anyone on your team can quickly create and maintain complex tests. It's easy to run tests, with unlimited concurrency and no maintenance required.
Does QA
Does QA
No-code automation testing