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Santosh Passoubady
ByteDetective is a MacOS desktop app that lets you search for images on your computer by describing them.
ByteDetective for MacOS
ByteDetective for MacOS
Image search made intuitive
Santosh Passoubady
Cloudnerd is a web app that allows users to predict the weather, with an accuracy rate of 84%, by scanning clouds above their heads.
Predict the weather by scanning clouds
Santosh Passoubady
Alexandr is a french sentence corrector. It is also able to improve your style by removing wordy stuff. Moreover, it gives you an insight into the clarity, readability, and tone of your text. This unique product will make your french better!
Grammarly, except for French
Santosh Passoubady
Empyrial is a Python-based open-source quantitative investment library. Empyrial empowers portfolio management by bringing the best of performance and risk analysis in an easy-to-understand, flexible and powerful framework.
A Python Portfolio Management Framework
Santosh Passoubady
Santosh Passoubady
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Just « jumped » into this awesome game!
Yell 'Jump' to make the chrome T-Rex jump
Santosh Passoubady
Santosh Passoubady
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Awesome, I was looking for something like that!
Which Frame?
Which Frame?
Search a video with AI magic. Which frame has X?