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Roberta Dombrowski
Unlock the power of reflection and design the year ahead with our intentional year-end review and planning workbook. Packaged with self-reflection questions and exercises, this is your resource to craft your best year yet!
Intentional Year End Review Guide
Intentional Year End Review Guide
Self reflection workbook
Roberta Dombrowski
This 50-page digital workbook contains 7 exercises and over 50 coaching questions to help you intentionally shape a career you can thrive in. It will support you to:
Consciously Crafting Your Career Path
Consciously Crafting Your Career Path
Self reflection + career planning workbook
Roberta Dombrowski
As leaders, one of our most previous resources is our energy. Download this FREE Energy Tracker to become aware of what gives you energy and drains your energy at work.
Leadership Energy Tracker
Leadership Energy Tracker
Become aware of what gives you energy at work