Riccardo Tartaglia

Riccardo Tartaglia

Web Developer. I make stuff on the web.
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Riccardo Tartaglia
Do you know Wordpress hooks system? Uncino is a JavaScript hooks system highly inspired to it!
Fast, tiny and solid hooks system for Javascript and NodeJS
Riccardo Tartaglia

BeeGrid is a microframework based on CSS Grid Layout to build various types of grids thanks to a twelve column system, five default responsive tiers, Sass variables and mixins, and dozens of predefined classes to organize your content.

BeeGrid - CSS Microframework
BeeGrid - CSS Microframework
Open Source microframework based on CSS Grid Layout
Riccardo Tartaglia

jKanban is a Javascript plugin that allow you to create and manage Kanban Board or to-do lists in your project!

It's easy to use and highly customizable.

Javascript plugin for Kanban Boards