Rachel Wolford

Rachel Wolford

Head of Product @ Triplebyte
22 points


I'm the Head of Product at Triplebyte. We're trying to change the way sourcing engineers is done by: - Automating the boring parts of outbound: triplebyte.com/magnet - Putting assessments front and center to give people without resumes a chance to show their skills - Unifying technical assessment into one reusable platform, instead of every company doing their own: tripebyte.com/screen I'm a mathematician by education, so I'm big on staying in the weeds of how we create the best matchmaking out there. Ask me about how we made automated sourcing work!


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Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • Triplebyte
    A recruiting technical screening platform for tech companies
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntOctober 31st, 2022