Quentin Kral

Quentin Kral

I am an astrophysicist who creates apps
9 points


I am a researcher in Astrophysics at the Paris Observatory, delving deep into the mysteries of planetary systems. In addition to my research, I am also an app developer, with a particular passion for leveraging the power of AI to streamline academic pursuits. My latest creation is a groundbreaking tool that automatically summarizes research papers, locates relevant similar sources, and even features a virtual assistant that can provide quick, accurate answers to your questions about any given article. As a firm believer in the value of collaboration, I have made all of my apps open-source, providing a platform for fellow innovators to work together towards a brighter future.


Researcher in Astrophysics at Paris Observatory


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • SummarizePaper
    Summarize research papers and ask questions with AI
    Apr 2023
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntMarch 17th, 2023