Qasim Munye

Qasim Munye

I make cool things sometimes
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Qasim Munye
Use Latentspace to get your spreadsheet work done, faster and smarter. Talk to Steve, the Data Assistant for instant data answers without asking your data team, writing an SQL query, or waiting.
Your AI data assistant
Qasim Munye
COMPLETELY FREE for the next 3 days 🥳🥳🥳
Use AI to extend your creativity. Just click one button and the AI will continue writing your story, generating new creative plots and story developments.
Shortly for web
An AI creative writing assistant, on your browser.
Qasim Munye
Using AI to extend your creativity. Just click a button and the AI will continue writing your story, generating new creative plots and story developments.
Imagine the greatest writers of the world helping you write better, at the click of a button.
Write stories with an AI creative writing assistant
Qasim Munye uses the latest language models to make it easier for doctors and researchers to keep up with the latest research on COVID-19.
Use AI to find answers from the latest COVID-19 research.