Puru Thakkar

Puru Thakkar

Building Emote | Coding since age 11
35 points
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Puru Thakkar
Emote is a social mood journaling chatbot that focused on sharing "how you're doing" with your friends. At the end of every week, Emote analyzes your moods and creates a mental health report that helps you identify issues and work on yourself ❤️
Mood journaling app that shares your moods with friends
Puru Thakkar
Bored of long news articles? Nyus is a news app designed for teenagers. It gives news in the form of memes and makes news fun and engaging.
We aggregate our news from the top news sources in India and are rated 4.6 stars on Play Store.
Get news in the form of memes
Puru Thakkar
Puru Thakkar
left a comment
Seems interesting! Will try it out
Mystify App
Mystify App
Tell your story, without being judged for who you are.