Pritika Mehta

Pritika Mehta

Building Butternut AI | YC Alum
353 points
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Pritika Mehta
Pritika Mehta
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Such an exciting and useful product!
Persana AI for Prospecting
Persana AI for Prospecting
Supercharge your prospecting with AI
Pritika Mehta
Pritika Mehta
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Congrats on the launch!
Jessica by Queue
Jessica by Queue
Your assistant for bringing life to your content
Pritika Mehta
Butternut AI is the world's first AI-powered website builder that creates full-fledged, multi-page websites from a single prompt. Simply enter your business name and keywords to get a tailored website that is customizable, fully responsive and has built-in SEO
Butternut AI 1.0
Butternut AI 1.0
Build a stunning multi-page website in seconds using AI
Pritika Mehta
Pritika Mehta
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Great product. Congratulations on the launch!
Less issue tracking, more impact
Pritika Mehta
Pritika Mehta
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This is such a revolutionary product! Great work Rakesh and team Velt.
Add commenting & collaboration to your product crazy fast
Pritika Mehta
Pritika Mehta
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This is mind blowing! Congrats!
Superflow for Lottie Files
Frame by frame feedback on Lottie Animations.
Pritika Mehta
Pritika Mehta
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This is super exciting. Congratulations on the launch!
Find bugs before your users do with AI
Pritika Mehta
Pritika Mehta
left a comment
Woah! Love it. Great work Yana and team!
Kraftful 2.0
Copilot for product teams