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Alex Farrill
Iterate.World is a site for users of all levels to play with AI image generators together. Collaborate on images, learn from great prompts, and try multiple AI engines (DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, Openjourney). Win free credits in the daily game.
Multiplayer AI image generator
Alex Farrill
Mailing is a better way to develop and organize your emails in your React app. It gives you an organized place to put your templates and live reload so you can see your changes quickly, test responsive version, and QA them quickly using real email.
Build, test, send emails with TypeScript and React
Alex Farrill
Shitty Listings
Shitty Listings
A list of distressed properties for house flippers.
Alex Farrill
Open Listings
Open Listings
Buy a home without a real estate agent.