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Paul Gambill
Reversing climate change means emitting less CO2 in the future, and it also means removing our past emissions. Nori is the first to offer anyone the ability to take responsibility for their own emissions and pay farmers for removing CO2 from the atmosphere.
Carbon Removal Market by Nori
Carbon Removal Market by Nori
Actually remove your carbon emissions from the atmosphere
Paul Gambill
Poetry Stickers
Poetry stickers for iMessage
Paul Gambill
The Infinite Resource
The Infinite Resource
How we can innovate our way to solving climate change
Paul Gambill
Big Decisions
Big Decisions
An app that helps you make better decisions
Paul Gambill
Marijuana 101
Marijuana 101
Free course to become a better cannabis user in 10 days
Paul Gambill
Paul Gambill
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I've been waiting for this app my entire life.
Search for GIFs on Giphy, Tumblr, and reddit on your Mac
Paul Gambill

The Poly Life
The Poly Life
App to keep track of all the poly lovers in your life