Emma Brown

Emma Brown

ambient dreams
26 points
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Emma Brown
Emma Brown
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maybe this is my sign to switch from dropbox
Air for Teams
The fastest way to find, store, and share content
Emma Brown
Emma Brown
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What about my pet fish?
Profile Picture AI
Profile Picture AI
Create the perfect profile picture for you, your dog or cat
Emma Brown
Emma Brown
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Definitely the future. Hopefully people will learn to care less about work.
Ralph Gerbs
What are your views on remote work? Is this the future or just a phase?
Emma Brown
Emma Brown
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how much space does the desktop version take up ?
Discover, organize, and deepen relationships
Emma Brown
Emma Brown
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name is a bit of a mouthful but it made me laugh out loud at least
The no-code blog builder Notion users have dreamed of
Emma Brown
Emma Brown
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is it possible to create your own themes?
Stunning personal landing pages
Emma Brown
Emma Brown
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kanban view is a gamechanger 🦾 definitely telling my cool friends about this one
Air 3.0
Save hours every week by automating your creative operations
Emma Brown
Emma Brown
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great name
Instant replay, screenshot bug reporting, with glee
Emma Brown
Emma Brown
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definitely telling my dermatologist about this one
ModeMagic 2.0
Nocode store blocks for Shopify