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Stefan Matei
Generate self-hosted contracts written in PHP, where each contract lives in a single standalone file. Upload the generated file to your own server, and send your client a link to it. Once they sign, the .php file will change itself into a static .html file.
Contract Generator
Contract Generator
Make a signable contract that lives in a single file
Stefan Matei
Coronavirus Containment Stats V2 (and a different URL)
👉 Added "Inactivated virus in [YOUR-COUNTRY]" front and center.
Source code is available on GitHub and on Codepen.
Live Coronavirus Containment Stats V2
Live Coronavirus Containment Stats V2
Virus "inactivation" as a % of the total cases
Stefan Matei
The virus becomes inactivated when people who have it die or recover.
If the percentage in the gray box (currently at 26%) reaches 100, it means there are no more active COVID-19 cases.
Coronavirus Containment Stats
Coronavirus Containment Stats
Virus “inactivation" as a % of the total number of cases