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ketl is a new exclusive anonymous app built for founders and vcs.
Join over 500 of the top founders and vcs in the discussion today.
Exclusive anonymous app for founders and VCs

Nikita Kolmogorov
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Easy to use!

Flight Alerts bot
Bot that keeps you up to date on your flight

Nikita Kolmogorov
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Accidentally published this product while testing the scheduled posting by Product Hunt. Noice, what can I say.

Kakunchik bot
Bot that counts how many times you pooped

Kakuhchik bot counts how many times you pooped

Kakunchik bot
Bot that counts how many times you pooped

Nikita Kolmogorov
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Hello everyone! Nikita's here, the creator of Todorant. I've developed Todorant solo — server, web, iOS and Android apps — using the most advanced tech stack. Even though my products are used by over 20 000 000 people (see the stats at, this is my first solo project on such a technical scale! I'm eager for the feedback on both the app *and* the productivity methodology I...
Tricks your brain into craving productivity

Productivity systems fail. Todorant doesn't. Carefully crafted set of limitations and praise teaches the primitive part of the brain to crave productivity like we crave sugar. Todorant focuses on what matters: completing tasks.
Tricks your brain into craving productivity

Nikita Kolmogorov
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Woah! Loving it. Finally useless touchbar is not that useless.

My TouchBar My Rules (MTMR)
Customize your touch bar as you want it

A list of places to post your startup. This time, I actually went through this list, posted my product everywhere and left notes along the way. You can sort and filter it any way you want. Export? Also can do. Enjoy!

Post Your Startup
Curated (and updated) list of places to post your startup

Nikita Kolmogorov
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Hey Product Hunt! I went through the so much popular, posted my project everywhere and took notes. Now you have the same list but you can sort it and filter.
Want to only get free publishing options? Or want to know how much money will it cost to be featured everywhere? Or want to export the list as a csv? Or you are still in beta? Or you have a SaaS product?

Post Your Startup
Curated (and updated) list of places to post your startup

Nikita Kolmogorov
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Woah! Finally an incentive to publish some of my code as a package :)

Sell your NPM packages

Nikita Kolmogorov
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Lol, I found the perfect day to also hunt Localizer. Good luck with your product!

Localization made easier.

Well, I couldn't find a good enough service to keep all of my translations in one place and give the users an option to help with translations, so I made Localizer. Free, self-hosted, open-source, what else do you need? Did I mention it's free?

Free self-hosted open-source crowd-translating service

Nikita Kolmogorov
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Hi Product Hunt! It's yo boy, Nikita here. Tired of translation storages charging you money? Host your own translation service for free. I had the pain of keeping my translations in check, so I developed Localizer.
Check it out at or And then host your own instance.
It's pretty simple: one endpoint to upload translations, one to...

Free self-hosted open-source crowd-translating service

Nikita Kolmogorov
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Loving the updates.

CoronaVirus (2019-nCoV) Telegram Bot
Latest information on the novel Coronavirus in Telegram bot.

Nikita Kolmogorov
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Using it to track the spread of the virus. Very nice. Thank you.

CoronaVirus (2019-nCoV) Telegram Bot
Latest information on the novel Coronavirus in Telegram bot.

Nikita Kolmogorov
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Using this bot daily to translate feedback from users on Telegram. Extremely useful and incredibly simple to use.

TranslateMe Bot
A multifunctional translator bot in Telegram

Have you ever had to listen to hours of audio recordings? Whether it is your own notes dictated or customer interviews — you don't have to suffer anymore. Just upload the file — and Voicy Recognition will handle the rest. Open-source, free and simple.

Voicy Recognition
Convert audio files to text for free (or not)

Nikita Kolmogorov
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I'm so excited about posing yet another project of mine on Product Hunt! It is a blessing to see so many comments and reactions to the products I develop.
This website is an iteration of — Telegram bot that converts all voice messages to text. Turned out, that for some users the limit set by Telegram (20MB) was too small and they've been constantly asking me for an...

Voicy Recognition
Convert audio files to text for free (or not)