Nikita Lukianets

Nikita Lukianets

AI transparency & explainability
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Nikita Lukianets
The Open Ethics Canvas is a tool for developers, product owners, and ethics professionals. Use it as a conversation starter in the process of building transparent and explainable technology products.
Feel free to experiment and reuse the template.
The Open Ethics Canvas
The Open Ethics Canvas
A free canvas tool for transparent and explainable AI
Nikita Lukianets
Mendi is a training device that enables you to train your brain naturally.
* Easy to use Headset and App
* Powerful brain training, fun for all ages
* Unlimited sessions, get started with one click

Real Brain Training - Anytime, Anywhere
Nikita Lukianets
Every thought, feeling, and movement starts in your brain.
Neurosity builds thought-powered devices that allow you to communicate and understand you.
The wearable that translates thought into action
Nikita Lukianets
Nikita Lukianets
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What if you could train your brain to sleep better?
daytime brain training solution for a better sleep
Nikita Lukianets
URGONight uses positive feedback to show you what brain processes and mental activities work for you, so you can go to bed with a better plan for falling asleep
daytime brain training solution for a better sleep
Nikita Lukianets
Milo helps people navigate without the use of hands or limbs. We think it could be especially useful for people with ALS, locked-in syndrome, or other forms of paralysis.
The Brain-Controlled Wheelchair
Nikita Lukianets
The 6 channels can measure brain signals from the motor cortex or the parietal lobe. The positioning has been optimized for brain-computer interfaces based on imaginary movements and/or P300 spelling. Bias and reference electrodes are placed behind the ears.
BCI headset with imaginary movements and P300 in focus
Nikita Lukianets
MindMaze is developing a VR platform to map and respond to brain activity for applications in healthcare and other fields.
Think. Unlock. Connect.
Nikita Lukianets
Implantable devices for the treatment of neurological disorders by responsive brain stimulation.
Freedom to live your best life
Nikita Lukianets
NeuroScouting is a company that offers neuroscience research relating to athletics.
Elite Performance
Nikita Lukianets
BIOS' first product is described as akin to a "USB connector for the body" and has been used to develop a Prosthetic Interface Device (PID) that allows amputees to connect a range of prostheses directly to the nervous system.
open standard interface for the human nervous system
Nikita Lukianets
The Q-Collar is the world’s first technology to use the body’s natural physiology that may protect against mild traumatic brain injury caused by head impacts.
protect against mild brain injury caused by head impacts
Nikita Lukianets
A noninvasive, AI-based brain-computer interface for the mass market. Upcoming products will allow users to play games and control electronic and mobile devices, including virtual and augmented reality headsets, in real time using their thoughts.
What you think is what you do