Nico Bianchi

Nico Bianchi

Information Interpreter
106 points
Web Page DesignWebflow Template LibraryCascadeur
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Nico Bianchi
Nico Bianchi
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Participation, contribution, and collaboration in design can create a strong sense of community.
Rastin Seysan
How can products shape a more inclusive and cohesive society through conscious interaction design?
Rastin Seysan
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Nico Bianchi
Nico Bianchi
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AI is the new team member, working 24/7 for better customer service
Emma Campbell
What are some emerging trends in brand management in the digital era?
Emma Campbell
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Nico Bianchi
Nico Bianchi
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Haha, nothing as dramatic, but once our pet project got a shoutout from a local celeb on Instagram, and voila, it was a hit in our city for a week!
Satyanarayan Prashar
What turned out to be the most unexpected source of traffic for your startup?
Satyanarayan Prashar
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Nico Bianchi
Nico Bianchi
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Thank you for sharing Teamcal Ai app! I'll definitely check it out to streamline my meeting scheduling process with Zoom.
Hyojin Kwak
Are you feeling stressed trying to schedule meetings at work? - Check this one out :)