Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar

Building Explainable AI using GNNs
11 points
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Rahul Kumar
Sharing now an AI-powered chatbot that saves all of your searches locally and makes them searchable because keeping track of all the bookmarks is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and 'is ancient' as well. šŸ˜ˆ
Browsing Bliss!
Browsing Bliss!
šŸ¤– AI + Browser = Browsing Bliss! āœØ
Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar
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Check out the demo here https://www.loom.com/share/31861...
AI Reader Assistant
AI Reader Assistant
Be lazy and keep reading your favourite content.
Rahul Kumar
Introducing the AI reader assistant - a game-changing tool that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the reading experience. No more interruptions or distractions from scrolling, this AI assistant seamlessly navigates the pages for you, allowing you to sit back, relax, and truly enjoy your reading.
AI Reader Assistant
AI Reader Assistant
Be lazy and keep reading your favourite content.
Rahul Kumar
JS developers are increasingly able to work on ML/DL projects. Developers can now create and train powerful DL models from their web & Node.js applications using popular libraries such as TensorFlow.js, Brain.js, and deeplearn.js.
DeepLearning in JS Hands-on
DeepLearning in JS Hands-on
6 applied Deep Learning projects written in JavaScript
Rahul Kumar
Don't lose track of the best content related to research in the AI domain or industrial grade solutions developed by Uber, Netflix, etc.
Updated every 30 days.
Ultimate AI Bookmarks šŸ“š
Ultimate AI Bookmarks šŸ“š
An exclusive list of bookmarks curated to learn AI.
Rahul Kumar

Human footprint is one of the relatively new physiological biometrics due to its stable and unique characteristics. The texture and foot shape information of footprint offers one of the powerful means in personal recognition.

Footprint Database
Footprint Database
Footprint-Database is a dataset of footprint images.
Rahul Kumar

This book is perfect for you if you've undertaken at least one course in machine learning and have a modest functional proficiency in Python. We approach deep learning projects from a very practical point of view. In thinking about how to share what we know, our experiences, the strategies that we've learned, and the tactics we employed.

Python Deep Learning Projects | Book
Python Deep Learning Projects | Book
Applied Deep Learning from Data Collection to Production
Rahul Kumar

Quick tool to draw fully connected neural network architectures with simple API calls.

The most simple neural network plotter