Serg Smirnov

Serg Smirnov

Co-Author at Helumium
2 points
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Serg Smirnov
Serg Smirnov
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Impressive numbers! Great project Congrats Pat!
Starter Story 2.0
Starter Story 2.0
Learn exactly how people are making money online
Serg Smirnov
Helumium eCom Design System is a growth tool for UX/UI designers and eCom businesses who want to increase profits. Over 120 conversion-optimized wireframes for mobile and desktop backed up by 300+ battle-tested UX guidelines. Systemized and ready for action.
Helumium eCom Design System for Figma
Helumium eCom Design System for Figma
Cut time spent on eCom UX/UI design by half, boost profits
Serg Smirnov
Serg Smirnov
left a comment
great work!
Unicorn Nest Dataset
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