Nemanja Nikolic

Nemanja Nikolic

Try your best to be your best
43 points
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Nemanja Nikolic
BabyRecords is guided parent companion that help first time parents to overcome fear and stress from day zero. Our Digital midwife Sofia will answer on all your questions, and flexible tracking activity system is there to suite your needs.
Baby Records
Baby Records
Customizable AI companion that improves your baby’s journey
Nemanja Nikolic
Nemanja Nikolic
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We will see :D
Jao Japitana
How has Product Hunt helped you and your product?
Nemanja Nikolic
Nemanja Nikolic
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17 days :) really nice gamification point here ;)
Viola Schoell
40 days Streak! What's your highest streak score?
Viola Schoell
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Nemanja Nikolic
Nemanja Nikolic
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Congratulations on the launch!! Support! 🎉🎉🎉 :)
Write high quality CRM documentation 10x faster by voice
Nemanja Nikolic
Nemanja Nikolic
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good luck man :)
Joep van den Bogaert
Preparing for launch day 💪🏻 What are you working on this week?
Joep van den Bogaert
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Nemanja Nikolic
Nemanja Nikolic
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Running and swimming :)
Marvin Mändle
What sports do you do to improve your health and get energy for work?
Marvin Mändle
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Nemanja Nikolic
Nemanja Nikolic
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Yes, yes and yes :)
Do you believe in the power of networking for startup success?
Nemanja Nikolic
Nemanja Nikolic
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Bravo Bravo :)
Anastasia Liamets
You're the BEST ❤️
Anastasia Liamets
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Nemanja Nikolic
Nemanja Nikolic
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Good luck Anastasia :)
Anastasia Liamets
🚀 Milestone is LIVE!
Anastasia Liamets
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Nemanja Nikolic
Nemanja Nikolic
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Figma, Webflow :)
Viola Schoell
What software did you use to build your website?
Viola Schoell
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Nemanja Nikolic
Nemanja Nikolic
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Book that motivates you the most

Tell me name of the book you liked and which constantly moves you forward and motivates you?