Navneet Chaurasia

Navneet Chaurasia

Developer, willing to be an entrprenure
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Sharath Kuruganty
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2021?
Sharath Kuruganty
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Navneet Chaurasia
Navneet Chaurasia
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Idea of next social network: dedicated social networks

Nowadays a lot of social networking apps are on the market, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter to name a few. But these are all generalized social networks in my point of view. By generalized I mean: people can share almost anything here, on any topic, discussions arent much centralized on specific topics. What I think is, dedicated social networks could be game-changer Like for each thing, we...
Navneet Chaurasia
Navneet Chaurasia
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My Product launch day is coming...

Hey, I just joined the product hunt, and after a week, I will be able to register my product here. Please share your thoughts, how can I make sure the success of the product launch...
Navneet Chaurasia
Navneet Chaurasia
started a discussion

dedicated social networks vs generalized social networks

Do People like dedicated social networks for specific things, or generalized social networks like Facebook, Twitter where they can post anything about anything