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Michael Seibel
We've created a vetted network of top marketers and designers who have experience taking products from 0 to 1. Our AI will instantly recommend relevant talent so you can start reviewing profiles in seconds.
MarketerGrad by Pangea
Use AI to instantly match with top fractional marketers
Michael Seibel
Building on the pitfalls of other popular package managers in the ecosystem, we aim to deliver streamlined package updates, easy GitOps integration, package dependency management, and simplified configuration options.
The next generation package manager for Kubernetes
Michael Seibel
Sonnet is your end-to-end AI meeting assistant. Get more out of your conversations with pre-meeting briefs, customizable AI-generated notes, and fully automated CRM—all without a meeting bot.
Meeting notes and CRM, automated
Michael Seibel
FlyCode's payment optimization and failed payment recovery technology is powered by ML and AI to stop payment failures before they happen, recover lost revenue, and reduce passive churn. Start increasing revenue today with zero integration!
FlyCode Payments
FlyCode Payments
Stop losing revenue to failed payments, boost ARR by 6-8%
Michael Seibel
Build a web app in pure Python in minutes. Deploy with a single command. Completely customizable UI. Scale from a small prototype to a full production web app.
Build web apps in pure Python
Michael Seibel
Unlogged: Open-source tool for Java devs to instantly mock DB/APIs, auto-generate unit tests from API traffic, monitor method performance, and save/replay method inputs & outputs. Integrates with CI for code coverage. Install to boost your Java DevOps!
Open Source tool for mocking, testing & optimising
Michael Seibel
A hub for your team to find shared connections, celebrate wins, and boost company culture. We combined the best parts of employee directories and peer recognition to build a totally new kind of people platform — powered by generative AI!
The first AI people platform for employees anywhere
Michael Seibel
An ejectable cloud built for the earliest versions of your product. Effortlessly deploy your apps on Porter Cloud by simply linking up your Git repository, with an option to eject to AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud as you scale.
Porter Cloud
Porter Cloud
Build your MVP on Porter, eject to AWS/Azure/GCP later
Michael Seibel
Persana is an all-in-one platform that combines the power of AI with 75+ data sources, real-time intent signals, and personalized generative AI messaging so your GTM team can focus on revenue generating opportunities like never before.
Persana AI for Prospecting
Persana AI for Prospecting
Supercharge your prospecting with AI
Michael Seibel
Reform is the easiest way for dev teams to build modern logistics software fast. Logistics service providers use our pre-built components and APIs to build software that can automate tasks such as quoting, shipment creation, and customs clearance filing.
Retool for logistics companies
Michael Seibel
Dealwise helps startups with $1M-$10M in annual revenues get acquired. We run a confidential process to get you offers from strategic & financial buyers in half the time of traditional M&A advisors and without locking you into multi-year exclusivity contracts.
AI powered M&A advisor for startups
Michael Seibel
FabricFlow allows anyone with a computer, tablet, or even a VisionPro, to create customized t-shirts and hoodies faster than ever before. Our intuitive drag-&-drop interface lets you craft the perfect swag for any occasion. If you can dream it, you can do it!
FlutterFlow is now FabricFlow, visual t-shirt builder
Michael Seibel
SciPhi is a cloud platform for developers that simplifies building and deploying serverless RAG pipelines. Built with the open source R2R framework, it enables developers to focus on innovative AI applications rather than infra management.
One-click RAG deployment for developers
Michael Seibel
SigmaOS Airis is a whole new way to satisfy your curiosity on the internet!

🧭 Look it up – get a pretty starting point to any question, idea, or thought
Ask anything about any website
🤏 Pinch to create an interactive summary of any page
SigmaOS Airis (Alpha)
SigmaOS Airis (Alpha)
the smarter way to browse the internet ✨
Michael Seibel
Speak with Martin in our iOS app, text him, or email him. Martin gets to know you over time and proactively helps out. He integrates with your search engine, calendar, email, and more. He’ll brief you before meetings and greet you when you come home.
Your AI butler, like Jarvis
Michael Seibel
HyperStreams & UIStreams enable businesses and merchants to seamlessly integrate with KYC APIs & UI using customisable workflows that empower developers to build custom financial products and services effortlessly.
HyperStreams & UIStreams by Decentro
HyperStreams & UIStreams by Decentro
Build the fastest identity verification experience ever
Michael Seibel
Build powerful commenting features into your SaaS product crazy fast. Make it just as collaborative as the big dogs—Google Docs, Sheets, Figma, Keep your users collaborating in your app instead of Slack or Zoom. Watch your engagement soar.
Add commenting & collaboration to your product crazy fast
Michael Seibel
Vapi lets developers build, test and deploy voicebots in minutes rather than months.
Voice AI infrastructure for the internet
Michael Seibel
OddsView is reinventing the sports betting experience by building a web-based, data-first platform that looks and feels like a trading terminal. Thousands of bettors are already relying on its real-time data feeds and first-ever historical odds charts.
The Bloomberg terminal of sports betting
Michael Seibel
Aide: the ultimate AI-native code editor. Write code faster and better with seamless AI assistance while safeguarding your privacy and maintaining full code ownership through self-hosted models.
Extensible AI native code editor