Jude Wilson

Jude Wilson

Want quick, non BS news? www.digesto.app
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Jude Wilson
Let's skip the fluff and let's get straight to the point, we give you 3-5 paragraph summaries that tell you everything you need to know. Want more still? We provide links to the best reporting on earth from the AP to the Wall Street Journal just one tap away.
Digesto is changing the way people consume news using AI.
Jude Wilson
Jude Wilson
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I have the K6 and I love it
Keychron K12
Keychron K12
A versatile 60% wireless mechanical keyboard
Jude Wilson
Etiquette is just a simple etiquette collectio for simple people.
Never gone skiing before?
Well, just look for the skiing etiquette on here and you're good to go!
Simple collection of etiquettes for simple people
Jude Wilson
Jude Wilson
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360 degree video support?
Video resizing, edits and captions for social using AI
+1 comment
Jude Wilson
Jude Wilson
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Ahhhh! Delaware Ohio? Bro I’m in Huber Heights Ohio!
A 75% fully customizable RGB mechanical keyboard
Jude Wilson
My mom is always calling me asking "How do I do this with my key board?" so I created this. I installed it on her Mac and she loves it. It is also really nice for those switching from Windows or Linux to macOS too!
Command Bar
a macOS status bar utility that tells you commands
Jude Wilson
Jude Wilson
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This is so cool! Glad someone is doing this!
The link in bio saving 1m² of the rainforest with every view