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Meet Chopra
With Webscape, we're transforming how you access, organize, and remix information, whether it's saving web pages, searching documents, automating tasks, or leveraging AI interactions, Webscape brings it all together seamlessly.
Your copilot for the web
Meet Chopra
Meet Chopra
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Congrats on the launch team!
Freshstatus 3.0
Freshstatus 3.0
Free status page and incident communication software
Meet Chopra
Meet Chopra
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Congrats on the launch @patrickt010 and team!
Capture customer data you trust
Meet Chopra
Connect Freshstatus with Freshping, and post real-time incidents on your status page whenever your monitoring check goes down or degrades. With custom rules in Freshstatus, create incidents only when services that impact your customers go down.
Freshping + Freshstatus Integration
Create incidents instantly when Freshping reports downtime
Meet Chopra
Spotlight is a chrome extension that helps you manage and quickly browse your tabs, history, bookmarks and downloads. Press Cmd ⌘ + M to access Spotlight on any page. And, Spotlight doesn’t end with search, it comes with powerful actions.
Superhuman for Chrome
Meet Chopra
Curated a list of free tools you can use to start something new or cut any costs.
Free Tools
Free Tools
Build/Start your own thing with a curated list of free tools
Meet Chopra
Meet Chopra
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Seems like quite good software. Interested to try it out!
A better interface to your Google Sheets
Meet Chopra
Switch tabs, search history, bookmarks, downloads in a snap. Superhuman for Chrome.
Superhuman for Chrome
Meet Chopra
Meet Chopra
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It's looking nice. With tiktok growing, this seems a nice tool!
Clout Meter
Clout Meter
Free, premium analytics for TikTok
Meet Chopra
Meet Chopra
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Working on Prosper this weekend. Solving the customer queries.
Who's working on a weekend project?
Meet Chopra
Meet Chopra
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Congrats on the launch! Looks awesome :)
Launch, sell & ship instantly, no coding required
Meet Chopra
Growing your email list is hard, and we know it. Prosper helps you collect emails in a personal way and less annoying with video widgets.
Video popups to grow your email list.
Meet Chopra
Meet Chopra
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How do you decide which content to write on? Are focusing on SEO at the moment?
Anne-Laure Le Cunff
[AMA] Growing a newsletter and a blog to 2K subscribers and 100K visitors in 2 months
Anne-Laure Le Cunff
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