Max Ogles

Max Ogles

Product & Marketing at Banyan
69 points
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Max Ogles
Max Ogles
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We made it for our kids, and our kids love it.
Animal Photos for Kids
Animal Photos for Kids
No ads, upsells, or sounds. Just amazing animal photos.
Max Ogles
Most apps for kids have annoying sounds, ads that the kids accidentally click, or pop-ups that try to upsell a paid tier. We got tired of that, so we built an app with JUST animals photos. Kids LOVE animals, and they will love this app. Photos from Unsplash.
Animal Photos for Kids
Animal Photos for Kids
No ads, upsells, or sounds. Just amazing animal photos.
Max Ogles
Max Ogles
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Love this. Such a hassle to work on formatting, style, etc. and this makes it effortless.
Create a beautiful ebook from blog posts in seconds
Max Ogles
Create a beautiful ebook from blog posts in seconds
Max Ogles
Max Ogles
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It looks like it's very similar to Cadence from SalesLoft, too.
Send cold emails that feel warm
Max Ogles

Staring contest with strangers
Max Ogles
Boost (Book)
Boost (Book)
Create good habits using Psychology and Technology
Max Ogles
Max Ogles
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Looks awesome, Buster. Excited to start playing with it.
Tweet Activity Dashboard
Tweet Activity Dashboard
Real-time impressions & engagements of your Tweets
Max Ogles
Kick with Chrome
Kick with Chrome
Google's simple soccer games to show off mobile browser tech
Max Ogles
Use an iPhone or iPad to track employee time & attendance
Max Ogles
60-page photo books for $8