Mikhail Yarmaliuk

Mikhail Yarmaliuk

Co-founder and CTO at Lomray Software
9 points
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Mikhail Yarmaliuk
Keepo is an AI assistant which analyzes all uploaded medical documents and provides answers to your health-related questions. Get insights into your condition and symptoms, recommendations for further examinations, and more. Try it today!
Keep all information regarding your health at one place
Mikhail Yarmaliuk
Develop ⚡charged⚡ server side applications with React streaming 💨 support. Unlocks Suspense for server side applications. Switch between SPA and SSR in 1 second. Very easy to migrate, very easy to use. All the power of vite⚡ All the power of react-router🛣
Vite SSR Boost
Vite SSR Boost
Create awesome SSR or SPA applications with React