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Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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Why "Just Start" is the best advice you will ever get

As humans, we often find ourselves waiting for the perfect moment to dive into new projects or make significant changes. But, as Sheryl Sandberg wisely advises, the key to unlocking potential and progress is simpler than we think: "Just start". But why is this advice so transformative? 1. Changing the status Quo: Starting is often the hardest part of any journey. It requires moving from a...
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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Did launching on Product Hunt deliver the results you wanted?

There has been a lot of talk on different blog pages, especially Reddit that PH is basically dead in terms of getting users. People say it's over-satiated with makers who are using this platform just to launch and that no one actually gets any users from their launch here. Soo, I thought I would ask the PH community and people who actually use it what they think about this. Did your launch...
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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How do you validate your idea?

Building products is really easy. Building products that add value to people and also work for the business is extremly hard. How do you validate your ideas that you are somewhat comfortable and have a positive outlook on the future to trust that this product is going to work for you. Basically finding PMF.
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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Webstudio is the new hit. Trust me ;)
Ruslan Kulikov
Webflow or Framer?
Ruslan Kulikov
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Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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What productivity apps do you use?

There are millions of productivity apps out there but are there any that actually make a difference? Or do you have to be a productive person from the start and the apps just boost that furher?
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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Focus on adding value.
Austin Armstrong
Comment below the best tip you can share to a newbie here on Product Hunt!
Austin Armstrong
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Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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How did you come by the idea for your product?

To be honest, coming up with ideas isn't really that hard. But to come up with the idea that solves a real problem and could also work for the business - now that is hard. Me and my team have been working on our idea for more than 2 months now and we are soo close to launching. Our goal is to solve the problem of procrastination for freelancers, digital nomads and people working from home in...
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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Does your product have an IG account?

One of the social media platforms we try to market our product on is Instagram. It has been incerdibly hard to gain any following there and soo we decided to "start from scratch" and take a different approach. It would mean a lot if you could share tactics you used to get new followers and potential new customers. This is our ig account: If you have...
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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Do you procrastinate?

Latest studies showed that at least 25% of adults procrastinate regulary and that every employee spends more than 60 minutes procrastinating every day. I feel like this is quite in issue in the creative world as I also suffer from this quite often (every day). I'm interested about hearing your thoughts on this problem and what you do to solve it :)
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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We are a B2C company. Events, social media marketing, SEO optimization, Reddit, ads...
Milli Sen
B2B or B2C? Who is the target audience of your product/startup?
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
left a comment let's do it!
Alexandre Schouwey
LinkedIn, let’s connect!
Alexandre Schouwey
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Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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Do you guys use Reddit to conduct market research?

Me and my team are creating a web application which is going to solve the problem of "procrastination" and "discipline" for freelancers, digital nomads and people working from home. Reddit has been great for identifying the needs and demands of people who suffer from these problems. There are geat subreddits that exsist for almost any topic and looking through post and comments, asking...