Luca Lupo

Luca Lupo

Building AI products, ex Apple.
97 points
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Luca Lupo
What is ShipAppFast? The Swift boilerplate with all the stuff you need to get your app in front of customers. From idea to production in 5 minutes.
Swift boilerplate to ship your app in days
Luca Lupo
Talking fast can lead to a lack of clear enunciation, articulation and an engaging tone, preventing your message from taking hold in the listener's mind. Tempo warns you while that happens, in real-time, so you can make adjustment.
Stop speaking too fast during presentations
Luca Lupo
Ever found yourself in a chat with friends discussing a topic you vaguely remember? Introducing IIRC, short for "If I Recall Correctly." Harness the power of AI to boost your memory retention through a simple, step-by-step process.
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
Harness the power of AI to boost your memory retention