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Louis Coppey

A back-of-a-napkin answer to the question: What does it take to raise a seed round as an AI-first SaaS startup?

The AI-first SaaS Funding Napkin
What does it take to raise as an AI-first SaaS startup?
Louis Coppey

By answering 20 questions, this calculator allows founders to test how their company fits within the VC investment framework. Five key areas are presented:

T#:1 team,

T#2: tech (a.k.a. product),

T#3 :TAM (a.k.a market),

T#4: traction (a.k.a. growth) and

T#5: moaTs (a.k.a. defensibility)

VC Compatibility Calculator
Unsure if you can raise capital? Take the test and find out