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With Citycatt travelers plan amazing trips with help from a curated community of Local and Travel Influencers.

Plan trips with help from local influencers

Lizia Santos
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I was frustrated with how hard it was to find information online to plan authentic trips for my family. I don't want the "Top 15 things to do", I want to go where locals go, see what's truly unique. As a mom and Journalist, I value reliable information and safe experiences, so I set out to build Citycatt, where travelers can find reliable sources of information in their destinations, to plan...

Plan trips with help from local influencers

Lizia Santos
left a comment
I'm a journalist, a passionate traveler, and a busy mom, who got frustrated with how hard it is to find the information I need about destinations.
I created City Catt for people like me, for whom time is too precious to be wasted on endless web searches. I'd rather spend my time with my loved ones on wonderful trips, planned in no time with the help of locals! 🥰

City Catt
Plan trips with the help of knowledgeable locals!

City Catt is a Trip Planner that makes it easy to plan trips by connecting travelers to screened and knowledgeable locals in destinations. Get your information straight from the best source!

City Catt
Plan trips with the help of knowledgeable locals!