Laetitia Chaumeron

Laetitia Chaumeron

Building SaferPDF
7 points


Hi Hunters, I'm Laetitia, non-technical founder of SaferPDF, the newest (and one-of-its-kind) in-browser PDF compression tool. What a mouthful! Basically we compress your PDFs in the safest way possible: your files never leave your device and therefore you can rest assured that no confidential info will get leaked. Pretty cool right? It's my first SaaS launch and I'm loving all the learning experiences I've had since starting this journey.


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • SaferPDF Compressor
    SaferPDF Compressor
    Safe, fast and private - all without leaving your browser.
    May 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntApril 1st, 2024