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    Building Ideas
Building Ideas
  • pre.dev's accelerates idea to development. Chat with our AI Product Expert and receive: - Architecture graph - Recommended tech stack - Statements of work - Automatic JIRA task creations You can also request developers to build out the project! 

 If you’re an agency/team looking to streamline project plans for clients, leverage our enterprise offering and instantly scale your onboarding operations!
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  • Build and publish your app ideas with AppWeaver. Describe your app's content and see changes immediately in a live preview. When you're ready, publish your web app for the world to see.
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  • Flipner AI is a new way to create texts. Capture your diverse ideas on the go, anywhere. Store your text and audio notes in the content hub. Transform and merge your thoughts into structured drafts or ready-to-use texts with Flipner's intuitive AI tool.
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