Kobi Nissan

Kobi Nissan

Co-founder and CPO @ Mine
292 points
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Kobi Nissan
Every SaaS app you use may hold user data — exposing your team to privacy & security risks.

Discover data sources like a boss with Mine:
✌️ Simply log in with your work email (no coding required)
🌎 Find out where your users’ data is stored
🪂 Reduce risks!
Data Mapping by Mine
Discover up to 100% of your company’s data sources
Kobi Nissan
Kobi Nissan
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Half of our community discovered over 250 companies in their footprint. Are you above or below? :)
Discover and control what the internet knows about you
Kobi Nissan
Mine’s app lets you discover your digital footprint and remove your personal data from services you no longer use.
Discover and control what the internet knows about you