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Abel Kim
Abel Kim
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It's all about networking and leveraging personal connections. I reach out to friends, family, and colleagues, and ask for referrals and introductions.
Erkin Bek
I don't know about you, but how do you find clients in the early stages of your start-up?
Abel Kim
Abel Kim
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I try not to think about work and do my best to relax and unwind.
Udayraj Parmar
What do you like to do in your free time?
Udayraj Parmar
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Abel Kim
Abel Kim
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Yes, it helps me reach a wider audience and connect with potential customers who may not have found me through other channels.
Zekiye Nur Kesici
Do you integrate different platforms such as Reddit, IndieHackers etc, into your marketing strategy?
Zekiye Nur Kesici
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Abel Kim
Abel Kim
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I just mindlessly scroll through each tweet haha
John Koo
Which action do you perform most on Twitter daily?
Abel Kim
Abel Kim
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I'd do a short jog if I feel kinda sluggish/lazy.
Ghost Kitty
How to overcome that one lazy day????
Abel Kim
Abel Kim
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I don't actually plan anything work-related on weekends. I do that on Monday.
Ankur Singh
How do plan your weekend for an effective next week?