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Kiko Beats
Easily add logos to websites using Microlink API. Simply provide a URL and get the highest resolution logo. Add it to any website with just a few lines of JavaScript.
Microlink for Logo
Microlink for Logo
Adding logos to any website.
Kiko Beats
Keyv is a simple key-value interface for JavaScript oriented for storing any kind of data, anywhere. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Redis, Mongo, DynamoDB, Firestore, Memcached, and more
Simple key-value storage with multiple backend support
Kiko Beats
Tesla Hunt runs on top of, providing price analysis, warranty information, or technical specifications, to help you to take a better buying decision.
Tesla Hunt
Tesla Hunt
Real-time alerting & monitoring for Tesla inventories
Kiko Beats
Kiko Beats
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This is insane, thanks for this @feross!
Secure your JavaScript supply chain
Kiko Beats is a tiny service that will get the avatar querying against provider supported, being DeviantArt, Dribbble, DuckDuckGo, GitHub, Gravatar, Instagram, Reddit, SoundCloud, Substack, Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, and more!
Get unified user avatar
Kiko Beats
Microlink Cards is a online code editor for generating images you can embed directly in your HTML markup or metatags. See Documentation.
Microlink Cards
Microlink Cards
The easiest way to create social images at scale
Kiko Beats
Embed any content โ€“
Get unified metadata โ€“
Take screenshots โ€“
Generate PDFs โ€“
Run Lighthouse on demand โ€“
Extract content โ€“
Microlink 3.0
Microlink 3.0
Browser as API
Kiko Beats
Get a PDF from any website.
Just enter a URL and you will receive the PDF back, served from a global CDN.
You can consume it directly from your markup, taking advantage of the rest of Microlink API capabilities.
Microlink for PDF
Microlink for PDF
Turns any website into a PDF
Kiko Beats
Kiko Beats
left a comment
The website is confuse. Why not point to an Official Slack download site?
Slack 4.0
Slack 4.0
A snappier, more efficient Slack desktop experience
Kiko Beats
Take a screenshot of any website
Just enter a URL and you will receive a snapshot back, served from a global CDN.
You can consume it directly from your markup, taking advantage of the rest of Microlink API capabilities.
Microlink for Screenshot
Microlink for Screenshot
Turns any website into a screenshtot