Kazim Kayhan

Kazim Kayhan

Front-end Web Developer
7 points


As an experienced Front-End Developer with over 3 years of experience, I am passionate about creating high-performing and user-friendly websites. With a focus on simplifying complex problems, I have delivered exceptional results for clients in various industries. My expertise includes Next.js, React.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Sass, and other front-end technologies. I am eager to continue my professional growth and make a positive impact on user experiences in a challenging, fast-paced environment. I am also actively pursuing knowledge in Web3 technologies, Blockchain, Solidity, and Node.js. Feel free to connect with me at mail4kazim.kayhan@gmail.com or view my portfolio at https://kazimkayhan.com.


Senior Front-end Developer at The Code Giant


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

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