Katherine Connor

Katherine Connor

QA Tester
142 points
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Katherine Connor
Katherine Connor
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When working from home, how do you handle distractions?

Since I work from home, I have to admit that my worst nightmare is being distracted by things around the house. Even though I work remotely, I make a point of going into coffee shops and libraries to work as much as I can to improve my discipline. How about you?
Katherine Connor
Katherine Connor
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Congrats on the launch! This is a lifesaver for teams scaling up
Elevate your hiring process with Serand
Katherine Connor
Katherine Connor
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It would be great to have one.
Mathis Vella
Get stats from your PH profile?
Katherine Connor
Katherine Connor
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I guess the product's essential features and functionality must work without severe faults or bugs
Andrew Philip
What aspects of your product must be flawless before its release?
Andrew Philip
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Katherine Connor
Katherine Connor
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To clear your head, take a break and go for a stroll
Andrew Howe
What is the most effective course of action to take in the event of a motivational or creative block
Katherine Connor
Katherine Connor
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Can't believe I just hit the 100 Day Streak 🤩
Sayoni Dutta Roy
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